Welcome Aboard from our Captain
My name is Molly Masson and I am so honored to serve as Gamma Theta’s president this year. Words can hardly express my love for Gamma Theta or the profound impact this chapter has had on my life. I can confidently say I am the woman I am today because of the incredible Delta Gammas who have supported me every step of the way.
When I went through recruitment, I had no idea what to expect. Delta Gamma was the first house I walked into, and from the very beginning, I felt so loved and valued. Looking around the dining room during round two, I could immediately sense how authentic, compassionate and loving these women were. Little did I know that running home to the 808 on Bid Day would change my life forever.
Gamma Theta has been my second home for the past three years. This chapter has constantly pushed me to be the best version of myself, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the memories and friendships I’ve made here. If you had told freshman-year Molly that I would one day lead such an extraordinary group of women, she would have been amazed. It’s truly an honor to serve as president and to continue building on everything that makes Gamma Theta so special.
Gamma Theta continues to exceed my expectations as they uphold our motto “Do Good” not just inside our chapter but to our community. From executive roles on the Panhellenic Council; Senators in Student Government; student athletes and numerous leadership positions in Dance Marathon and other on campus organizations, Delta Gamma has a strong presence on campus. I am proud to be part of a sisterhood that is full of women who hold themselves to a high standard and continue to Do Good in the UF community and beyond.
From spontaneous beach trips my freshman year to living five feet away from my best friends sophomore year and serving on CMT with them junior year, I can’t thank Gamma Theta enough for giving me my people. I can confidently say I am surrounded by strong women who show up for each other unconditionally 24/7 —whether it’s making me laugh until I cry or supporting me when I need them the most.
To the 808 and all my favorite people that fill it, thank you for being my home away from home and giving me this incredible opportunity. I can’t wait to see everything we accomplish together this year and just know I am always on your side. I am proud to be a Delta Gamma and honored to serve as Gamma Theta’s President this year. I am so grateful I have found what anchors me here at the 808.
With all my love, Molly